True shopping cart
Create Multi-option products.
Create eCommerce web sites with backend processing.
Create Active Server pages (ASP) to process the orders and sends an email
with the order to vendor (and client if desired).
Create PHP to process the orders and sends an email with the order to
vendor (and client if desired).
Create Sites using PayPal for order processing.
Create Sites that use ECHO for real time order processing
Create Sites that use for real time order processing
Create Sites that use VeriSign for real time order processing
Use text or images as products.
Set billing and shipping options
Registered user - No Timeout Period.
Registered user - Use custom templates.
Registered user - Option to not include the eOrdering Gold logo
on the html form.
Registered user - Dump the product list to a .csv file.
Registered user - Load a product list from a .csv file.
Registered user - Save eSite.
Registered user - Load eSite.
Registered user - Use a custom logo. |